Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Afrin Pure Sea

The other day when I received a box in the mail...it felt almost like my birthday!! I finally got my first "campaign" from Bzzagent.com and I am very pleased with the product. It is a nasal rinse made with 100% purified sea water and that is all. Being very familiar with nasal rinsing (using neti-pots in the past) I am more than happy to spread the word on the benefits of using this product. Many people who have suffered from chronic sinus infections have seen dramatic reductions and improvements in their health by regularly rinsing their nasal passages.

Here is Afrin's suggestion of people who may be interested in trying their product.

  • anyone exposed regularly to air pollution

  • people working in dusty environments

  • those with allergies or congestion in nasal passages

  • people continually exposed to germs (teachers, flight attendants, hospital workers)

  • parents with young children or infants

  • people interested in all-natural health and well-being products

Gerald and I both tried it out and I noticed instantly my sinuses were cleared and my senses heightened. Great product.

And for those in the Portland area, I have a handful of $3.00 off coupons if you are interested in giving it a try.


  1. Or Jenni, you could go surfing with your hubby and get a FREE saltwater nasal wash! :)

    Miss you guys, CP

  2. OOh-that is really tempting. :) and free!
